Instructions for use Varicone

Varicone cream, after clinical studies conducted in Portugal, has been recognized as the most effective and safe drug for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. Complex treatment of varicose veins is provided thanks to a unique composition. The cream contains a high concentration of active ingredients, which allows it to have a quick and powerful effect. For best results, the cream should be used according to the instructions.

How to use Varicone cream

Varicone is applied to the affected areas
  • Problem areas should be washed and dried thoroughly. If possible, skin peeling should be carried out 2-3 times a week, to remove dead epithelial cells and improve the permeability of the upper layer of the dermis. In this way the active ingredients will be able to penetrate the deeper layers of the dermis more quickly. Excess moisture must be removed because it can reduce the concentration of the active ingredients and, therefore, weaken the effect of the cream.
  • A small amount of cream is applied to the affected areas and distributed over the skin with massage movements. You should not use a large amount at once, since the cream is absorbed quickly, it is better to apply it pointwise, this will facilitate the even distribution of the composition on the skin;
  • It is worth mentioning that the cream contains coconut essential oil, which forms a thin film on the skin that prevents the evaporation of the active ingredients. This is another reason why large amounts of cream should not be used; a high concentration could prevent further penetration of the components into the skin.

The minimum course of treatment is at least 30 days, without interruptions. The substances that make up the cream have a cumulative effect, accumulating in the cells. Their concentration must reach a certain level to prolong the effect even after stopping treatment. Varicone is used morning and evening; in difficult cases, use three times is acceptable. If necessary, the course can be extended to 60 days or more. To prevent varicose veins, simply apply the cream once a week for 15 days.

Indications for use of Varicone cream

Varicose veins of the lower extremities can occur for various reasons: hereditary predisposition, acquired diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system, unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle, standing work, prolonged use of high-heeled or flat-soled shoes. In any case, the disease is accompanied by similar symptoms, which are indications for the use of Varicone cream:

  • mild or severe pain along the veins or in the leg muscles;
  • manifestation of varicose veins and capillaries;
  • protrusion of veins on the surface of the skin;
  • the appearance of varicose knots and bumps;
  • change in skin color: pale or red spots, darkening;
  • wounds and ulcers that heal poorly;
  • swelling, especially in the evening and morning;
  • painful cramps and spasms at night;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • fatigue.


No side effects were identified during clinical trials, but Varicone cream should be used with caution by allergy sufferers with reactions to horse chestnut or hirudin. The main contraindications are open infected wounds and ulcers, as well as skin cancer. The cream should be stored out of the reach of children and animals.